Thursday, February 21, 2019

Best way to clear the FIR allegations & close a case permanently

Best way to clear the FIR allegations & close a case permanently

Best way to clear the FIR allegations & close a case permanently

1.     how to close fir
-        file defamation based on evidences

-        derogatory emails may be used as evidences
-        FIR u/s IPC354 (D), IT66 (C) and IT67(D) may be filed as a counter blast
-        Male interference like close friend or relative may be the instyigator so bring them to the books and get their call records through crpc 91 through the CDR of wife
2.     Best way to clear the FIR allegations & close a case permanently
-        To avenge is the clear motive of false allegations
-        Clear these allegations and FIR permanently with counter cases
3.     Can a FIR be withdrawn?
-        Get the FIR cancelled
-        Dissolve all cases without prejudice to your rights
-        File quashing in high court
4.     How do I cancel my fir?
-        Cases may get disposed of in years so file LTR
-        Settlement or zero settlement may be reached with compromise
5.     Can a police complaint be withdrawn?
-        Misguiding by lawyers should be removed
-        File a compromise
6.     What happens after FIR is quashed?
-        If prima facie no crime as per the investigation report then quash easy
-        Charge sheet may be filed in a month approx in matrimonial litigations
-        Non compundable offences require the witness or the wife to be turning hostile so file a LTR accordingly if there has been a compromise
-        If wife turns hostile during her examination or evidences or both then the allegations may be closed permanently

-        IT66 (D) falls under non-compoundable offence so may be tried accordingly as per law
7.     how to close fir in hindi
-        petition under 482 criminal procedure code may also be filed
-        no objection by the wife may be obtained by filing counter cases based on your evidences
-        wreaking vengeance for filing a FIR may be a good ground to get the FIR closed permanently
8.     withdrawal of fir by complainant
-        filing affidavit by the complainant is necessary in the high court level
-        consent of complainant based on compromise or settlement reached with the husband
-        without affidavit or in the absence of an affidavit the high court may send notices to the defacto complainant i.e., wife to ask for her opinion
-        mutually filing petition for quash or else husband files LTR
9.     fir time limit
-        there is no time limit besides 7 days and 15 days in some cases
-        matrimonial litigations require enquiry before registration of FIR
10. fir closure report
-        police files a closure report
-        similarly a clean chit may be filed
-        to protect the accused interests’ the b report may be filed by the state
11. fir is valid for how many days
-        usually 60 days and within half of that i.e., within 30 days usually the charge sheet is to be filed and submitted in the court
12. procedure after fir is lodged
-        file a LTR for fair and unbiased investigation
-        cooperate in investigation
-        file crpc 91 against the complainant
13. quashing of fir
-        least recommended as these may come with conditions

-        close or delete a case i.e., FIR entirely from the system by filing LTR
14. compromise after fir
-        this is possible after 10-15 years of litigations or after filing counters
-        name removal from the charge sheet may be the prime concern

Therefore, it can be seen that the FIR is a legal document and the guidelines of the Supreme Court need to be followed but if the matter is required to be closed or cancelled by the accused based on falsity or based on counter evidences etc then it is suggested to file a LTR immediately. Further, for the benefit of men there may be many men rights activists or men rights organizations may be active to help pacify the men but the pacification or sympathy is NOT what a man/ husband looks for when false cases are filed on him. Hence, government of India needs to start a men cell india which may suggest the real fighting tactics to the men vis-a-vis counter/s and/ or challenge/s to close a false CAW or a FALSE FIR against a man/ boy/ husband/ celebrity, hence in all over India the government of India needs to start a Men Cell in Delhi type cells for men which must be registered by government of India to help boys/ husbands/ men from false cases and atrocities by disgruntled women/ wives/ girls and by the police respectively.


  1. to clear a false case and cancellation f false allegations in the 498a FIR
    i contacted atur chatur

    and the LTR that we filed with the assistance of atur chatur was very nice as my case is strong in the courtroom

  2. A Non Resident Indian (NRI) husband when trapped in a false 498a FIR looks for help seeking Quash Petition or Samples of a Quash Application u/s 482 Criminal Procedure Code.

    But, in order to have a better discussion on the dowry laws procedures and especially relating to closing of a false FIR under section 498a ipc FIR, then as per Atur Chatur, one may contact the NRI 498a Helpline in India for the NRI husbands.


    The above website for NRI Quash relates to some steps which may be done by a NRI before he files a quash petition so that the chances of success of a Quash Petition are higher for the simple reason that a Quash u/s 482 crpc or a Bail or Anticipatory Bail u/s 438 or u/s 439 CrPC may comes with conditions such as:-
    - Travel Restrictions
    - Passport Impounding
    - Attending Court or Joining Police Investigation by personal visit to India despite the busy schedule of the Non Resident Indian husband who may be working in USA/ UK/ Dubai/ Australia/ NZ etc

    Hence, vis-a-vis a NRI Men Cell or a Helpline for the NRI's especially for the NRI husbands to counter false 498a, the help may be sought from:-

    Since a false FIR is a human rights issue for a NRI husband, hence, it may be utmost necessary to invoke the Human Rights of the Non Resident Indian husband living abroad so that the wife does not get blue corner notice or god forbid even a red corner notice issued against a NRI by contacting USA Immigration against the NRI husband using her false, wild/ bald and concocted stories.
    Therefore, Human Rights of a NRI may be invoked by understaindg some key human rights issues related to a NRI husband listed at:-

    if any help is needed then contact any time (24 hours):-


    or visit the website:-


atur chatur on procedure for investigation after fir