Thursday, February 21, 2019

Can police close FIR?

Can police close FIR?

Can police close FIR?

Closing a FIR is the job and duty of the police if the complainant has lodged a false FIR based on untrue events or vague events or by forging documents to trap an accused so learning the process i.e., how fir can be closed is what is needed by the boys/ men and husbands in their fight against false cases by women.

1.     how fir can be closed
-        LTR need to be filed
-        Fair and Unbiased Investigation need to be pressed
2.     Can police close FIR?
-        Yes, the police do have the authority to close a false FIR and for this they need to follow the procedure
-        The police may give application or B-Report or C-Report to the Magistrate and ask for closing FIR by the magistrate
-        Final Report is the way through which police can help close a FIR
3.     Can FIR be withdrawn?
-        Not directly by complainant

-        But police may assist on basis of b-report or c-report
-        On basis of compromise between parties the FIR may be withdrawn
4.     Can FIR be Closed by police?
-        Yes, but by giving application to magistrate concerned
5.     What happens after FIR is registered?
-        The investigation is done for the crime reported
-        Action taking against complainant is possible if FIR is found to be false
-        Accused may be arrested by following crpc 41a procedures
6.     How FIR can be Cancelled?
-        Cancellation of FIR may be done through filing LTR
-        LTR may be aimed at fair and unbiased investigation or protection from arbitrary arrest
7.     fir cancellation application
-        this application may be given to police commissioner
-        magistrate or high court may also entertain this application if made in the form of a LTR

8.     withdrawal of fir by complainant
-        direct withdrawal is technically not feasible
-        the case is between state and accused then how can complainant withdraw
-        leave of the court is required for withdrawal related help
9.     fir closure report
-        state files closure report
-        clean chit may also be filed
-        accused may be charged with crime
-        or the complainant may be charged with malicious prosecution
10. fir time limit
-        as per lalita kumara judgment its 7 days limit
-        as per amendement to above judgment its now 15 days
-        but in fraud with proofs etc this may be possible immediately
11. fir is valid for how many days
-        may remain valid for 60 to 90 days
-        or as per leave of the court extension may be granted or sought by the state
-        in congnizable or non-bailable crimes extension may be sought beyond time limit
12. procedure after fir is lodged
-        fair and unbiased investigation
-        visiting crime scene
-        checking exact details or events from complainant
-        taking statement of the accused
13. how to close fir in hindi
-        hindi FIR may be typed at PS by the computer operator
-        usually hindi is the medium of communication
-        however English may be used by English speaking complainant

14. b report filed police
-        b-report means name removal
-        b-report may be filed by state
-        if false case then b-report is answer to the complainant
-        counter case against complainant may be done after b-report

Therefore, it can be seen that the FIR is a legal document and the guidelines of the Supreme Court need to be followed but if the matter is required to be closed or cancelled by the accused based on falsity or based on counter evidences etc then it is suggested to file a LTR immediately. Further, for the benefit of men there may be many men rights activists or men rights organizations may be active to help pacify the men but the pacification or sympathy is NOT what a man/ husband looks for when false cases are filed on him. Hence, government of India needs to start a men cell india which may suggest the real fighting tactics to the men vis-a-vis counter/s and/ or challenge/s to close a false CAW or a FALSE FIR against a man/ boy/ husband/ celebrity, hence in all over India the government of India needs to start a Men Cell in Delhi type cells for men which must be registered by government of India to help boys/ husbands/ men from false cases and atrocities by disgruntled women/ wives/ girls and by the police respectively.


  1. I was wondering whether, "Can Police close FIR"
    I came to know about atur chatur and his blog on "HOW TO CLOSE A FALSE CAW OR FALSE FIR"'
    Since I was myself trapped in false 498a by my wife who fled from USA and came to India to engage me in false 498a allegations.

    I asked atur chatur to prepare LTR for me and he prepared it exceptionally well.
    I am out of these false cases by legally asking police to write b report in that language as thought or planned by us i.e., the FRT was in reality truth based i.e., the Final Report of Truth

  2. A Non Resident Indian (NRI) husband when trapped in a false 498a FIR looks for help seeking Quash Petition or Samples of a Quash Application u/s 482 Criminal Procedure Code.

    But, in order to have a better discussion on the dowry laws procedures and especially relating to closing of a false FIR under section 498a ipc FIR, then as per Atur Chatur, one may contact the NRI 498a Helpline in India for the NRI husbands.


    The above website for NRI Quash relates to some steps which may be done by a NRI before he files a quash petition so that the chances of success of a Quash Petition are higher for the simple reason that a Quash u/s 482 crpc or a Bail or Anticipatory Bail u/s 438 or u/s 439 CrPC may comes with conditions such as:-
    - Travel Restrictions
    - Passport Impounding
    - Attending Court or Joining Police Investigation by personal visit to India despite the busy schedule of the Non Resident Indian husband who may be working in USA/ UK/ Dubai/ Australia/ NZ etc

    Hence, vis-a-vis a NRI Men Cell or a Helpline for the NRI's especially for the NRI husbands to counter false 498a, the help may be sought from:-

    Since a false FIR is a human rights issue for a NRI husband, hence, it may be utmost necessary to invoke the Human Rights of the Non Resident Indian husband living abroad so that the wife does not get blue corner notice or god forbid even a red corner notice issued against a NRI by contacting USA Immigration against the NRI husband using her false, wild/ bald and concocted stories.
    Therefore, Human Rights of a NRI may be invoked by understaindg some key human rights issues related to a NRI husband listed at:-

    if any help is needed then contact any time (24 hours):-


    or visit the website:-

  3. A Non Resident Indian (NRI) husband may start looking for best NRI Lawyer in Delhi when his wife goes to Crime Against Women Cell (CAW) in Delhi and she files multiple false cases against the Non Resident Indian Husband vis-a-vis false dowry claims.

    Instead of a best NRI Laqwyer in Delhi or a best NRI Dowry cases lawyer in Delhi or a best 498a counter cases Lawyer in Delhi or best advocate in Delhi, it is suggested to the NRI to get in touch with aturchatur and file a LTR as per the given link below:-

    Hence, when a Non Resident Indian's wife leaves USA and goes to India without his consent or avoids to come back to USA/ abroad with the NRI, then the NRI must immediately file a LTR instead of waiting for the wife to take a step ahead.

    Similarly, a LTR Fair and Unbiased Investigation and also a LTR Protection from False and Arbitrary Arrest and also a LTR Protection from False Cases, are the three major types of LTR which a NRI may file immediately when a wife goes to CAW or a FIR is lodged at PS.

    if any help is needed then contact any time (24 hours):-


    or visit the website:-

  4. Men's Helpline in Delhi for NRI's is provided. The help is also provided to men/ boys/ husbands who are not a NRI (non resident indians)
    Call:- 9873540498

    Domestic Violence & Dowry Laws Experts are available for the NRIs & also for the Indian Businessmen trapped in false police complaints by their wives. If you have difficulty in learning the Domestic Violence & Dowry Laws & 498a or CrPC 125, then we can train you very well in all these areas. We specialise in False FIR 498a, False FIR Domestic Violence & Dowry Laws & False FIR CrPC 125 also.
    Our students are highly satisfied & have now good command in 498a & Domestic Violence & Dowry Laws & CrPC 125 respectively. We have different teachers for different levels of 498a, Domestic Violence & Dowry Laws & CrPC 125. We provide 498a Expert in Delhi, CrPC 125 Expert in Delhi & also Domestic Violence & Dowry Laws Expert in Delhi
    Call:- 9873540498

    Learn 498a | Domestic Violence & Dowry Laws | CrPC 125 in as early in 20 classes based upon the level of the candidiate.
    498a | CrPC 125 | Domestic Violence & Dowry Laws | Expert | DELHI | These three subjects viz., 498a, Domestic Violence & Dowry Laws & CrPC 125 are the only three false cases in which we specialise. You can learn proper 498a, CrPC 125 & Domestic Violence & Dowry Laws & communicate confidently with the people surrounding you.
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    Web Site:
    Contact Details: 0091-9873540498


atur chatur on procedure for investigation after fir